Multilingual practice (German, English, Arabic, Somali)
Migration medicine (PD Dr. Grois)
Pediatric neurology/child neurology (DDr. Breu)
Psychosomatics/Psychotherapy (Dr. Schweitzer)
Comprehensive infant and breastfeeding advice
Mother-child passport examinations
Vaccinations and vaccination advice
Sonography of the infant hip
Nutritional advice for overweight and eating disorders
Operation clearances
Blood draws
Acute laboratory
Examination of blood count, inflammatory value (CRP)
Throat swab (streptococci)
CoVid-19 (Corona) test
Pulmonary function diagnostics
Adolescent medicine
Advice on:
behavioral problems
school problems
Celiac disease
Tariffs (private services):
Invoices, vaccinations and confirmations can be paid in cash or with a debit card.
Care leave € 12.-
School and kindergarten confirmations € 15.-
Travel cancellation confirmations € 25.-
Vaccination certificate duplicate € 30.-
Medical confirmation/certificate €30.-
Sports certificate including lung function test, ECG, blood and urine test: € 85.-